Form Filling / Funding Applications
From my own experience, I know that the world of filling in forms and applying for funding or school placements, completing and checking EHCP or DLA/PIP paperwork can be daunting. It’s a job we all leave till the last minute. My service can support you to understand terminology and complicated acronyms. We are happy to make phone calls and chase applications. Our aim is to ensure that you and your young person gain access to every service that you are entitled to.
- Carers / Attendance allowance
- EHCP paperwork
- Referrals to support services (AWM,SS, Charities)
- Local Authority paperwork
- Universal Credit
- Incapacity allowance
- Referral to professional services (EHCP, OT, SL&C, Camhs, ASD/ ADHD Assessment.)
How Can I Help?
As mentioned in my bio, I have worked in the education system for a decade, during this time, I have supported and been directly involved in EHCP paperwork, applications and referrals for support. Also, personally, I have over 20 years experience dealing with local authorities, filling out complicated and lengthy forms, and managing further education applications.
This friendly advice service can be delivered virtually or in person over coffee.